ai17 Autoshow Demonstrator
Designing the Future of Transportation
Adient teamed up with Fredricks to help develop their 2017 AutoShow property focused on class 2-3 autonomy. The Fredricks team focused on center 20% development of the rear seat including build.
01. Ideation
02. Concept Development
03. Engineer + Build
The concept is centered on the passengers and somewhat passive pilots of future autonomous vehicles. Research is key to any design brief and they did their homework before diving into ideation. With our research feeding key decisions we began to sketch and get ideas on paper as quickly as possible.
Concept Development
The genius of the Ai 17 concept is showcased in the different use modes, UI (user interaction) of controls, material selection, fit and finish of all components and consideration of human factors.
Engineer + Build
At first glance or review it is an impossibly simple show property. The nuances and intricacies are only realized through a guided demonstration of the demonstrator. We were lucky to be included in the event and experience the concept first hand.
Interested in the Adient ai17 Autoshow Demonstrator? View the full case study here!
Adient Final Design
This project was led by Adient in Plymouth, Michigan. Our Team was responsible for front-end ideation, concept development, and design + engineering of the 20% seat. Fredricks also managed the build working with Special Projects in Plymouth.
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Maury Fredricks
Conor Fredricks
Director of Design