Client Update October 2023


Over the past several months, we have taken a fresh look at our work with key clients in diverse industries to help determine our best fit for future projects.

We balance creative, technical, and business talent to streamline and accelerate the development of vehicles, rides, animated props, furniture, and products.

Every project is unique. Our cross-functional teams work with the client to write comprehensive and detailed proposals to guide our work together. We maintain continuity with the team throughout the project activities with a single point of contact with the client team.

Over the past several years, we have worked on the following types of projects:

  • Vehicle interiors, seating, and lighting with Tier One suppliers

  • Theme Park ride interiors and seating

  • Animated props and show set design.

  • Task seating and healthcare recliners for the clinical environment

  • Small appliances with a focus on kitchen and floor cleaning products

Many of our clients are working towards 90-day plans and goals. Extreme flexibility and agility are required to respond to sourcing decisions. We have constructed a go-fast process based on 30-60-90-day goals with clearly defined deliverables.

The first 30 days focus on research and sketching to develop numerous ideas for review and selection. Key stakeholders within the client organization are encouraged to provide feedback to help identify the most viable ideas for the next phase of work.

Moving into the next 30 days, we refine the ideas selected and develop initial digital models and physical properties to build on ideas and identify areas for improvement. We then gather the client team for a second review of our work before going into concept development.

The last 30 days of our work build on everything learned. We work on digital and physical models during this phase to deliver solutions for future development. Deliverables include CAD models, prototypes, and the initial analysis to quantify our work for the production engineering phases with the manufacturing team.

We are also flexible to work on single-phase projects. Please get in touch with us for a quick response to your next project opportunity. We are good to go when the time is right!

We look forward to the future with gratitude for our past work together!

Be well,

Maury Fredricks, CEO


How to pivot with your business.


Congratulations on 7 years with Fredricks, Conor Fredricks!