Jim Biros Celebrates 35 Years With Fredricks Design

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Today is an epic day! 

Today, we celebrate 35 years of excellent work with Jim Biros. “Jimmy” joined our startup on June 3, 1985 after a brief interview. Our vetting process, at the time, was limited to a quick check list.

Over the decades, many of our clients have requested (demanded) Jim’s involvement on projects. Jim has made a big impact on our business and every project he has worked on, from the early days of a drawing board, to now with CAD and almost every software language known to the design world. In addition to Jim’s design skills, he is very capable at building mockups and prototypes.

I could go on and on… Jim, we could not have grown the company without your contribution to our work and we owe you a huge thanks for your positive attitude and can-do spirit! You have made a positive and significant impact through your hard work over the past 35 years! Thank you!

We are proud of the company we’ve built together and look forward to the future…wherever it takes us! 

Maury Fredricks

Team Fredricks

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